Madhya Pradesh: The SS Chauhan govt on Monday, declared a leave for the policemen in the state who wish to watch the recently released film ‘The Kashmir Files.”

In a media interaction today, Home Minister Narottam  Mishra made the announcement stating instructions for the same would be issued to the DGP Sudhir Saxena.

On Sunday, the govt had also decided to exempt the film from entertainment tax in the state. In a tweet on Sunday, CM said,” “heart-wrenching narration of the pain, suffering, struggle, and trauma faced by Kashmiri Hindus in the 90s”. He added that the movie is a must-watch and so the govt decided to make it tax-free. Apart from MP, the film has been declared tax-free in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Haryana.

Scripted and helmed by Vivek Agnihotri, the movie showcases the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir following systematic genocide by the Pakistan-backed terrorists.

‘The Kashmir Files’ has been doing tremendously well at the box office. On its 3rd day, the film collected a whopping amount of Rs 15 crore. With this, the total now stands at Rs 26.50 crore. The film showcases the story of the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits in the 90s.