Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan on the ocassion of Gandhi Jayanthi launched a state level de-addiction at a program organized at Lal Parade Ground of Bhopal, which will begin at 12.30 pm.

Addressing the gathering, Chauhan praised Uma didi who enivisioned MP as a drug free state. In a warning to illegal drug dealers he said that bulldozers will be razed on those establishments that operate without liscence.

Support of celebrities along with religious leaders, social organisations, voluntary organisations will also be taken in the campaign. Various activities will be conducted in the campaign to build up the atmosphere along with programmes in schools, colleges. District- level committees have been constituted under the chairmanship of Collector for the de-addiction campaign in all the districts.

As per the announcement by the CM, In November, there will be a 6-day programme and activities in schools and colleges. On the first day, there will be a lecture, presentation, and screening of a short film. On the second day, there will be an essay competition  on the topic, Letter by students to their close ones. On the last day, winners will be awarded.