Betul, Madhya Pradesh: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan visited the divisional level ‘Approval letter distribution program’ for the beneficiaries under the ‘Chief Minister Public Service Campaign’ at Kund Bakajan in Betul district on Friday. There, once again the CM’s attitude against corruption was seen to be tough. He announced the suspension of CMHO of the power company, AK Tiwari, District Mineral Officer Gyaneshwar Tiwari, and two JEs from the stage itself on complaints on the grounds of irregularities. 

The Chief Minister said that JE Pawan Barskar and JE of Sai Kheda were negligent in their services due to which they were suspended. The Chief Minister has given an ultimatum to the officials of the Electricity Department that a 22 km 33 KV power line has to be laid from Bhimpur to Chicholi.

Addressing the audience, CM Chouhan said, “Through the Chief Minister’s public service campaign, we are working to provide benefits of public welfare schemes by organizing camps in panchayats and wards. The government should reach every house of the public so that the public does not have to wander. We will not allow corruption to run on the land of Madhya Pradesh at any cost, for this, we have come determined.”

He further added, “Whoever has messed up, I will not allow him to be eligible for a job in the state. Our government is more tender than a flower for the people. But I am warning those goons, scoundrels, bullies, and brokers. If you don’t improve then you will not be saved, a bulldozer will run on everyone’s houses. Our government is there to serve the people. That’s why we honor the officers and employees who do good work, but it is also necessary to punish those who do wrong or negligence.” The CM also discussed with the villagers in the Gram Sabha about PESA Act in the village and informed them about their rights.