Kuno: Asha, the female Cheetah that got transferred to India from Namibia, was again seen outside the Kuno National Park, wandering around its surrounding areas. The officials reported that she was spotted outside her area  on Wednesday, 26 April, during the evening.

Just a few hours later, it was also reported that she seemed to be on her way back to the buffer zone. The Kuno National Park has an area of 748 square kilometers, but the Park’s buffer zone is just 487 square kilometers. On the first fortnight of April, F1,a.k.a., Asha was spotted outside the buffer zone for the first time, and she returned to the place herself.

The officials said, “Asha strayed out of the buffer zone on Wednesday evening. She kept on advancing farther away, but on Thursday, it started returning. She is now close to the buffer zone.” Pavan, a Male Cheetah, has also strayed out of the buffer zone twice this month, like Asha. 

But he was brought back to the buffer zone both times. The officials said that Asha gets distracted whenever she sees people nearby, which allows her to move back to the buffer zone by herself. Both of these Cheetahs will play an essential role in increasing the Cheetahs population in India.