Madhya Pradesh: Khargone police in Madhya Pradesh have decided to book the deceased driver of the Narmada bus accident in which 14 people died after the bus skidded into the river.

The driver who was one of those is being booked for causing death by negligence. An earlier report said that the accident happened because a motorcycle was coming on the wrong side of the road in the rain causing the bus driver to lose balance and crash into the river.

The police later cleared that the accident was not caused due to motorist but by the negligence of the driver Chandrakant Eknath Patil who tried to overtake another big vehicle amid the rain with limited visibility, questionable road conditions, and a slippery area. The deceased driver Patil, is survived by his wife and two children, 8 and 4 years old.

A bus of the Maharashtra State Transport Corporation broke the railings of the Khalgat bridge over the Narmada river and plunged in on Monday morning.

At least two bodies of the dead people on the bus are still missing, while 12 have been recovered. The bus when crashed into the river from the bridge 100 feet high, killing everyone aboard.