The collaboration of talented actors Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan in their recent movie ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’ has yielded great results at box office collections with a total earning amounting to Rs 37.4 crore within its first week of release under director Laxman Utekar’s direction. On day one, it earned around Rs .5 .49 crores, giving us a strong indication of its prospects at the BO.
Taran Adarsh revealed via social media platform that ” #ZarahatKeZarabachKe ends the first-week impressive hit on Bollywood screens Fri 5.49 cr, Sat 7.20 cr, Sun 9.90 cr, Mon 4.14 cr, Tue 3.87 cr, Wed 3.51 cr, Thu 3.24 cr. Total: a, 37.35 cr.The favourable response of the viewers and stable rise in earnings indicate acceptance of ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’s’ storyline. The engaging plot and the unmatched talent of Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan succeeded in captivating audiences and carved a niche in the industry.
As more people gear up to watch this film, it is expected to register a higher collection at box office numbers, which indicates their effort in bringing this entertaining film to the audience.
Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan left no stone unturned in promoting their latest release, ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’. The dynamic duo engaged in an extensive promotional campaign, making appearances on popular talk shows, participating in interviews, and connecting with fans through social media platforms.