New Delhi- Following a lengthy 6.5-hour meeting with Sports Minister Anurag Thakur, wrestlers throughout India have collectively decided to suspend their protests until June 15 temporarily. The demonstrations were triggered by the government’s funding cuts towards wrestling, as well as the inadequate provision of infrastructure and training facilities for athletes.

In a released statement, Minister Thakur expressed the government’s unwavering commitment to advancing wrestling and pledged to collaborate closely with the wrestlers to address their grievances. He assured that additional financial resources would be allocated to support wrestling and acknowledged the urgent need to enhance infrastructure and training opportunities for the wrestlers.

This development marks a positive turning point, enabling the government and the wrestlers to join forces and find viable solutions to the raised concerns. The government is responsible for fostering the progress of all sports, recognizing the profound historical significance of wrestling in India. The government must collaborate with the wrestlers, ensuring they receive the necessary resources to flourish.

The wrestlers’ protests have garnered significant attention, shedding light on the pressing need for increased funding and assistance for wrestling in India. This presents an ideal opportunity for the government to address the wrestlers’ concerns and invest substantially in the sport’s growth. With the government’s dedicated support, wrestling in India can thrive and produce exceptional athletes capable of competing globally.