New Delhi: On Thursday, Delhi CM Kejriwal quoted ‘ won’t let anyone die” of oxygen shortage if it got the earmarked 700 tonnes of supply from the central government amid the unprecedented coronavirus crisis that has killed thousands in the capital’. 

In a news briefing AAP Chief said,” If we get an adequate supply of oxygen 700 tonnes, we will be able to set up 9,000-9,500 beds in Delhi. We will be able to create oxygen beds. I assure you that we will not let anyone die of a shortage of oxygen in Delhi.”

With the sudden surge of the virus, the government of India has been criticized for its inability to provide COVID relief to states like Delhi that has compromised the healthcare system leading to loss of several precious lives. The morgues seem to be over occupied, patients are wandering around in search of oxygen, patients denied treatments due insufficient resources. The grim situations of the nation’s health care fraternity have drawn international attention to the Indian subcontinent.

 The Aam Aadmi Party’s Delhi government stated that they are receiving roughly half the quantity of oxygen it has been officially allocated while neighbouring BJP-ruled states like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana have been prioritised. 

Mr. Kejriwal requested all the hospitals to recapitulate their bed capacities and be ready to serve the critical cases as he hopes for 700 tonnes of oxygen delivery every day.