New Delhi: The Centre on June 3 submitted to the Delhi High Court that instant messaging application WhatsApp is indulging in anti-user practices as it went ahead with its revised privacy policy though it does not comply with Indian IT legislation. 

In a fresh affidavit, it alleged that the messaging platform is indulging in anti-user practices by obtaining ‘trick consent’ for its updated policy. 

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The centre complains about the messaging platform using its digital prowess to accumulate the existing user base committed to the updated privacy policy before the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill becomes law. 

 “Millions of WhatsApp users who haven’t accepted the new policy are bombarded with notifications every day,” the government said and urged the court to issue interim direction to the messaging app to abstain from any action of ‘push notifications’ onto users. 

 The affidavit was submitted before the high court hearing on the case began. The court, however, has adjourned the hearing of pleas challenging WhatsApp’s revised privacy policy. 

The plea comes after WhatsApp announced to proceed with its controversial privacy policy update, providing users with their own pace to accept the policy.  The messaging app has told the court that its new privacy policy came into effect on May 15. But, it would not start deleting accounts of those users who have not accepted the policy yet. It will instead coax them to get on board. 

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