Bollywood: Just when the world was processing the death of one legend, another gem of Indian Cinema, veteran actor Rishi Kapoor passed away at 67 after a two-year-long battle with cancer. The actor was admitted in the H N Reliance hospital, where he breathed his last today morning. His brother Randhir Kapoor confirmed the news. “He is no more. He has passed away,” Randhir told PTI.

Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan confirmed the news on Twitter. “He’s GONE .. ! Rishi Kapoor .. gone .. just passed away .. I am destroyed !”

Rishi Kapoor is survived by wife Neetu Kapoor, son Ranbir and daughter Ridhima.

The actor returned to India last September after undergoing treatment for cancer in the US for almost a year.In February, Kapoor was hospitalised twice due to his health issues.

He was first admitted to a hospital in Delhi where he was attending a family function. At the time, Kapoor had said that he was suffering from an “infection”.

He was part of hit films such as Bobby, Amar Akbar Anthony, Laila Majnu, Rafoo Chakkar , Sargam, Karz, Prem Rog, Chandni, Heena, Karz, Bol Radha Bol, Saagar and others.