New Delhi: The Twitter handle of UP CM, Yogi Adityanath was briefly hacked in the wee hours on Saturday morning, officials said. The account was restored partially after four hours and the tweets posted by the hackers were immediately deleted.

The govt responding to the incident has warned the hackers of stringent action after the investigating agency would gather details, adding that the attempt to hack the account was made at around 12:30 am. “The account was hacked for around 29 minutes in the night. The hackers posted around 400-500 tweets, and the account was suspended on grounds of unnatural activity. Efforts are on to restore it,” an official said.

“An attempt was made to hack the official Twitter account @CMOfficeUP of the Chief Minister’s Office on April 09 at 12:30 am by anti-social elements, who had posted some tweets which were recovered immediately. (sic)”, a tweet in Hindi read.

Over 400-500 tweets were made from the account while it was hacked. The profile picture on the UP CMO account was replaced by the image of “Bored Ape NFT” by the hacker. 

at the end of 2021, Indian PM Narendra Modi’s Twitter handle was also hacked briefly and secured later. According to IT Minister, over 600 social media accounts have been hacked in the last five years. Responding to a query on the hacking of the government’s Twitter handles and e-mail accounts, the minister in the Lok Sabah on Tuesday said,”since 2017, 641 such accounts have been hacked.”