New Delhi: Union health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said on Wednesday that India has been deliberately helping other nations to take part in the development of science and technology.

He said, “India has been actively enhancing cooperation in fields of Science and Technology with many of its immediate and extended neighbors. India has always believed in sharing knowledge and technical know-how with other countries to address common challenges”.

The IISF 2020 is being held in New Delhi where several delegates from the field of science has joined in Dr. Harsh Vardhan further added, “It was a pleasure to welcome today, esteemed delegates from various countries at Overseas Science and Technology Ministers and Diplomats Conclave held as a part of India International Science Festival (IISF) 2020”.

While India has been actively advancing in science and developments and also sharing the knowledge to other nations, the government plans to expand the benefits more to the common people.

The Health minister concluded by saying, “Global science community has been mankind’s savior in the year of the pandemic. We must continue to strengthen our robust STI ecosystem, redefine priorities and sectorial focus to help boost the economy and improve quality of life our people”.