Heavy rain and strong winds brought down a section of an under-construction building, killing two labourers and injuring critically another, in Kadanakoppa village of Kalaghatagi taluk in Dharwad district Sunday. The tragedy took place Tuesday evening in Misrikote, near Kadanakoppa village, the officials said Wednesday.
Dawood Savanur (52) of Old Hubballi in Dharwad City and Rafik Saab Channapura (50) of Noorani Layout have now been identified as the deceased. Mahantesh Chavargudda (48) from Anchatgeri village of Hubballi taluk, was taken to Karnataka Medical College and Research Institute (KMCRI) in Hubballi for treatment.
According to Kalaghatagi Police Inspector S.S. Koujalagi, eight labourers were working at the construction site. Suddenly, the rains, accompanied by heavy winds, forced the labourers to flee into the under-construction structure. Three workers were trapped under the debris moments later when the structure collapsed.
“Two of them died later that night in KRIMS Hospital, where the other workers on-site immediately rushed them after rescuing them.” Koujalagi stated the third worker is in critical condition in the ICU and continues to work. A case has been registered, and an investigation has started into the cause of the collapse.
Anjanappa, one of the survivors, remembered the incident thus, “Around 5 PM, there was heavy raining in the area. Under the centring structure we took shelter, but suddenly a section gave away, injuring three of our colleagues.”
The cause of the collapse is being investigated by authorities to determine if negligence, structural flaws or adverse weather possibly contributed to the event. All possible angles are being probed by the Kalaghatagi police to determine who is accountable.
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