New Delhi: After being picked up’ on 13th of February, Ms Disha Ravi served a term of five days of police custody and interrogation. Finally, the 22-year-old was granted bail by the Delhi Court on 23 February, late in the evening.

Additional sessions judge Dharmender Rana in the 18-page bail order stated,” the offence of sedition cannot be invoked to minister to the wounded vanity of the governments. The difference of opinion, disagreement, divergence, dissent, or for that matter, even disapprobation, is recognised as legitimate tolls to infuse objectivity in state policies. An aware and assertive citizenry, in contradistinction with an indifferent or docile citizenry, is indisputably a sign of a healthy and vibrant democracy.”

Relying on the “link” between Ravi and the ‘pro-Khalistan” secessionist group PJF, which was associated with the creation of the Toolkit document; the Delhi Police demanded an extension of Ms Ravi’s custody for further interrogation.

Dissatisfied with no “links” discovered, the court stated,“”There is nothing on record to establish any direct link between the applicant/accused and Dhaliwal and Lal. Still, further, there is nothing on record to suggest that there was any call, incitement, instigation or exhortation on the part of the applicant/accused and the above-said organizations and its associates to foment violence on January 26, 2021.”

Except for the fact that Ms Ravi forwarded the toolkit generated by environmental activist Great Thunberg, the prosecution failed to produce sufficient facts about Ravi’s global audiences to the ‘secessionist elements’ which led the court to reject their plea and grant the accused bail. Judge Rana said,” Being conscious of the nascent stage of investigation on one side, the investigation agency had made a conscious choice of arresting Ravi on the basis of the material collected till now.” 

Disha is ordered to continuously cooperate with the probe, join investigations when summoned and is denied International departure until court permits.