To enhance the speed of the judiciary system and give it ease, the utilization of cloud-based infrastructure will play a pivotal role. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his virtual address at the Diamond Jubilee of the High Court of Gujarat, spoke about the essentiality of the Atmanirbhar Campaign in this regard. 

“To make our justice system future-ready, use of artificial intelligence to increase efficiency and speed of Judiciary and Aatmanirbhar Campaign is going to play an important role in this”, said the Prime Minister, adding – “We are enhancing cloud-based infrastructure that will not only enhance ‘ease of justice’ but also enhance ‘ease of living’ of the people in the country”.

Modi lauded the judiciary system of the Gujarat High Court, pointing out how it has begun an exemplary video conferencing system, along with judgments and orders being uploaded on its official website during the pandemic. The Prime Minister remarked that the Gujarat High Court is the first in the country to broadcast the court procedures live. 

He asserted – “Our judiciary has always interpreted the Constitution positively and creatively to strengthen it further. Be it safeguarding the rights of people of the country or when any situation arose where national interest needed to be prioritized, the judiciary has always performed his duty”. 

During the diamond jubilee of the High Court of Gujarat, the Prime Minister issued a commemorative postage stamp. Later, he remarked how the activeness of the Gujarat HC for its constitutional duties and its dedicated duty towards justice has strengthened the judicial system of the state for years. He added – “Rule of law in Indian society has been the basis of civilization for centuries. Our ancient texts say the root of good governance lies in providing justice. Bar and judiciary should work towards building the world-class Judicious System in the country”.