Mumbai: A group from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday by and by visited the flat of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, while another team continued grilling Rhea Chakraborty, her sibling Showik and Sushant’s previous supervisor Shruti Modi. 

Dr. Pinakin Gujjar, the senior member of Dr RN Cooper Municipal General Hospital, where Sushant Singh Rajput’s mortal remains were taken for posthumous the exact day of his passing on June 14, has denied that the consent was allowed to the late actor’s implied girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty to visit the morgue. Gujjar was brought by the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) office on Monday for questioning over the supposed morgue access given to Rhea when Sushant Singh Rajput’s posthumous was being led. However, Gujjar has said that no such incident had occurred at the hospital. 

Then, Rhea Chakraborty arrived at the DRDO visitor house for addressing by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the fourth consecutive day on Monday. Rhea is blamed for abetting the suicide of Rajput (34), who was found dead in his flat in rural Bandra on June 14. Rhea and her sibling Showik Chakraborty showed up at the guest house situated at Kalina in Santacruz, where the probe group is positioned, around 11am in a vehicle which was accompanied by a Mumbai Police vehicle. Sushant’s flatmate Siddharth Pithani also showed up at the DRDO guest house for questioning. 

The CBI has so far questioned Rhea for more than 26 hours. She was questioned for about 10 hours on Friday, seven hours on Saturday, and nine hours on Sunday. 

In the interim, Goa-based hotelier Gaurav Arya was additionally called by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Mumbai regarding a money-laundering probe connected to late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s indicated girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. Arya was called after the ED ran over some cell phone messages apparently sent by Rhea Chakraborty to him in 2017 and they purportedly show conversation of certain restricted opiates. His scrutinizing is in progress at the ED office.