Mumbai: Actress Rhea Chakraborty’s dad was questioned by the CBI for the second back to back day on Wednesday regarding the instance of actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s passing, a police official said. He was investigated for around 10 hours by the central agency team, the authority said. 

The 28-year-old actor and her relatives are blamed for abetting the suicide of Rajput (34), who was found dead in his apartment in rural Bandra on June 14. Her dad Indrajeet Chakraborty arrived at the DRDO guest house in rural Kalina, where the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) group is positioned, around 10.30 am in a vehicle accompanied by a police vehicle, the authority said. 

After the scrutinizing, he left the spot around 8.30pm, he included. As indicated by the official, Rajput’s chief Samuel Miranda, his cook Neeraj Singh, house staff Keshav and business director Shruti Modi, who had additionally arrived at the guesthouse toward the beginning of the day for questioning, left the spot around evening time after Chakraborty. 

Rhea Chakraborty, her sibling and mom were not gathered on Wednesday, the authority said. On Tuesday, the probe team questioned the actress dad and mom for more than eight hours regarding the case. 

The actor was before questioned for around 35 hours more than four days from last Friday till Monday. 

The late film star’s dad hence filed police grumbling in Patna, blaming Rhea Chakraborty and her family for abetting his suicide and misusing his cash. The Supreme Court a week ago maintained the exchange of the FIR stopped in Patna to the focal organization. 

The CBI has so far stayed quiet about subtleties of its test into the prominent case which has been hoarding media spotlight.