Sunita Kejriwal, the wife of the incarcerated Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, promised at a rally in Sohna, Haryana, that her husband would not bow to the aggression of Prime Minister Narendra Modi or the BJP. Arvind Kejriwal is in prison at Tihar Jail now that he has been charged with money laundering by the Enforcement Directorate and corruption by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) related to Delhi excise policy.

Speaking at the rally, Sunita Kejriwal opined that the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal is the fallout of his successful model of the government in Delhi. She has categorically pointed to the progressive changes effected when he was at the helm of the Delhi government, such as the enhancement of government schools and hospitals, the setting up of the Mohalla Clinics, and free electricity. She juxtaposed these to several that she said were made under Prime Minister Mr Modi’s administration.

Sunita Kejriwal even charged that Modi was behind the arrest of her husband with the aim of containing progress made in Delhi. Regarding Arvind Kejriwal, Sushma Swaraj said that he has been imprisoned on fake charges to halt the developmental initiatives he has undertaken in Delhi and Modi cannot compete with Kejriwal’s development work. She assured everybody that her husband would not yield to Modi’s pressures, and she said Arvind Kejriwal stood firm in the fight for the common man.

She even advised the voters of Haryana not to vote for the BJP in the assembly elections, letting the BJP dwell on the fact that the party’s contribution towards the development of Delhi is negligible, even though it has seven parliamentary seats there. Sunita Kejriwal expressed the same apprehension earlier about the security of her husband in the Tihar Jail. She blamed the BJP-led central government for framing false cases against him.

During her speech, Sunita Kejriwal, Arvind’s wife, supported her husband and condemned the BJP’s political strategies, urging the population to make a clear-cut decision in favour of Arvind.

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