Haryana’s Murthal police on Tuesday lodged an FIR against Bollywood actors Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath for alleged cheating and criminal breach of trust. The 13 people being charged under the Bharathiya Nyaya Sanhita sections 316(2), 318(2) and 318(4), which deal with offences of cheating, criminal breach of trust and deceptive transfer of property, the police said.

The claims concern the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society registered in Indore under the Multi-State Cooperative Society Act 2002, according to a news agency report. Since September 16, 2016, the society has been working in several states, such as Haryana. In the complaint lodged by the complainant, Vipul Antil, who lives in Sonipat, the society is accused of having made fixed deposit (FD) and recurring deposit (RD) schemes with high returns. But the society worked as multi-level marketing, promising great incentives to agents who could lure in more investors.

Antil said the society promised investors their money was safe and that their maturity payments would be paid on time, but did not implement these promises. For depositors’ money, it had 250 service centres or what it called suvidha kendras in Haryana. It also ran ambulance units and mobile ATM vans in some places and hosted social events in fancy hotels with ‘training’ programs to get people interested.

Additional Police Commissioner ACP Murthal Ajeet Singh said the main complaint was that of society’s alleged duping of people by luring them into a fraudulent investment scheme. When asked if Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath would be thoroughly investigated in the case, he added.

The alleged fraudulent activities are hidden in the guise of cooperative and social welfare initiatives and investors are left in distress.

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