Speaking to the media on Saturday, Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut said that the party will fight the upcoming local body election on its own without any political alliance. Addressing the media, Raut pointedly mentioned that the party would strive to fight municipal corporations in cities such as Mumbai, Thane, and Nagpur, among others, zilla parishads and panchayats depending on space.
Raut noted that groups like the INDIA bloc and the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) were particularly established for the Lok Sabha and State House of assembly polls. He stated that such alliances are counterproductive to the growth of the individual party organizations or the development of the party worker since party workers of the small factions involved are not given adequate support. This, as pointed by Raut, hampers the organizational development of Shiv Sena (UBT).
Raut also said that the Shiv Sena president, Uddhav Thackeray, had made suggestions that the party should participate separately in these coming elections. His statement alone is a complete reversal from the previous stand that the party was taking in cooperation with other regional actors.
On another front, Raut criticized Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar for Trying to pass the buck for the MVA’s defeat in state assembly elections. This, he said, means that parties within an alliance you form or join must be prepared to give and take so that there can be a consensus on an issue. He also complained about the INDIA blo,c stating that the coalition has not had any meeting since the results of the Lok Sabha elections. Raut said that his party is the largest in the alliance and Congress should have initiated convening a meeting.
Raut also responded to Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on farm loan waiver, saying that the promises BJP made in their manifesto, like farm loan waiver and ₹2,100 for Laadki Bahin, must be done. He expects the finance minister, Mr. Pawar, to make good on these promises.
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