Mumbai: Veteran actor and director Arvind Joshi breathed his last at Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai on Friday morning. Suffering from multiple age-related health issues, the actor passed away at 84, during the wee hours of this morning.

He was a popular face in the Gujarati film industry, and also acted in some Bollywood classics such as Sholay, Apmaan Ki Aag, Ittefaq. Besides being a movie star, the actor was also known as a popular theatre artist. 

Sarita Joshi, the deceased actor’s sister-in-law, revealed to the media persons – “Arvind Ji passed away early morning today. He was admitted at Nanavati Hospital due to age-related health issues. He was 84. He passed away peacefully in his sleep”.

Amongst the significant film personalities who took to their social media handles to mourn the loss, actor Paresh Rawal, on his Twitter handle, posted – “Irreparable loss to Indian theatre; with grief, we say goodbye to the noted actor Shri Arvind Joshi. A stalwart, a versatile actor, an accomplished thespian, are the words that come to mind when I think of his performances. My condolences to @TheShermanJoshi & family. AUM SHANTI.”

Komal Nahta, the famous TV host and Bollywood trade analyst tweeted – “Veteran and respected actor-director of Gujarati theatre, Arvind Joshi, passes away. Condolences to son Sharman Joshi, daughter Mansi Joshi Roy, and the entire family”, along with a photograph of the deceased actor with his son, actor Sharman Joshi.

His cremation took place at Vile Parle Crematorium, where all his family members were present.