Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh has become the front-runner state in the NITI Aayog’s SDG India Index 2023-24. Madhya Pradesh has joined the leading states with 67 overall points. MP has performed brilliantly with 67 points in poverty alleviation, 87 in providing clean drinking water, 90 in providing clean energy, 86 in urban development, 73 points in establishing institutions of peace and justice.
Earlier on Friday, Niti Ayog released India’s milestone sustainable development goals (SDG) journey in a SDG India Index 2023-24 Report. this was the fourth edition for India’s trial to achieve these development goals.
According to the index, Madhya Pradesh has lifted 1.36 crore people out of multidimensional poverty. 97.87% beneficiaries in the state are getting coverage under the National Food Security Act. Sex ratio at birth in MP is 956 against the target of 950, electricity has reached 100% of the households in the state. The percentage of women account holders in Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is 55.57% against the target of 50%. The percentage of targeted settlements connected with roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is 99.98%.
Uttarakhand and Kerala are the joint top performing states with 79 points, followed by Tamil Nadu with 78 and Goa with 77. Bihar with 57, Jharkhand with 62 and Nagaland with 63 are the worst performing states in this year’s index.
List of target-wise scores in Sustainable Development Goals of Madhya Pradesh in SDG India Index 2023-24
- Poverty Alleviation – 67
- Hunger Eradication – 48
- Good health and quality of life – 56
- Quality education – 49
- Gender equality – 48
- Clean water and sanitation – 87
- Affordable and clean energy – 90
- Decent work and economic growth – 64
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure development – 39
- Reduction in inequality – 54
- Sustainable Urban and Community Development – 86
- Responsible consumption and production – 92
- Climate Change – 63
- Life on land – 90
- Institute for Peace and Justice – 73
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