On Wednesday, the Supreme Court extended its stay on the Allahabad High Court’s order, allowing a court-monitored survey of the Shahi Idgah Mosque complex in Mathura. The religious site, adjacent to the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple, is seen as the most important Hindu mosque complex. A bench comprising Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justices Sanjay Kumar and KV Viswanathan decided to defer the hearing on the petition filed by the ‘Committee of Management of Trust Shahi Masjid Idgah.’ The petition challenges the court-monitored survey of the mosque complex, and the hearing will continue in the week starting on April 1.

According to the Chief Justice, “The apex court had three major issues. One is an intra-court appeal, and another is about the applicability of the 1991 Act in the dispute. I’m going to address these matters next hearing in April.”

The Supreme Court meanwhile permitted the interim order passed by the Allahabad High Court, which had stayed the court-monitored survey of the Shahi Idgah Mosque complex, to continue. The decision means the survey cannot be completed until the Supreme Court hears the matter in the coming months.

The dispute over the mosque complex, which has become a tinderbox because of the proximity of the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple, is still going on in courts. However, the issue has been tightly caught up in religious and political sensitivities, with all parties in the dispute eagerly watching the judicial process arrive at its conclusion.

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