New Delhi: Wednesday morning with a surprise for the SP as the daughter in law of the SP Supremo Aparna Yadav joined the Opposition. ‘Influenced by PM Modi, said Aparna while thanking BJP for giving her an opportunity. Her arrival into the party was announced at a press briefing in the presence of UP Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya and BJP State President. Grabbing on the chance, Deputy CM Maurya aimed shots at Akhilesh Yadav calcimining he is unsuccessful in managing his family as well as politics.
Aparna, who is married to Akhilesh Yadav’s brother Pratik Yadav, the younger son of Mulayam Singh Yadav, added a new angle to the upcoming polls. This move by the Samajwadi Bahu has jolted the Yadav party. She contested the 2017 UP polls from Lucknow Cantt as an SP candidate, however lost to Rita Bahuguna Joshi who was the recent entrant in BJP then.
While BJP, whose recent departures tumbled the party would now seem to be balanced after Aparna’s entry.
Meanwhile, sources reported that Akhilesh Yadav would contest the UP polls. Withering off the fog on the speculations, Akhilesh Yadav decided to compete after UPs incumbent CM Adityanath decided to contest for the polls for the first time. So far no information on the constituency Akhilesh would be contesting for has been received.