Recently, the Bollywood actor Salman Khan revamped the Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai’s Bandra, where he lives, to increase security measures after a dramatic shooting happened near his house. The upgrade was installed after almost eight months since the two men on a bike shot four times at Salman Khan’s residence on April 14 before making their escape. The event has worried the fans about the actor’s security, and thus, he required protective measures concerning his family.
New security measures include bulletproofed glass windows, a modern security system, and high-power HD CCTV cameras to monitor any suspicious movement around the compound. For instance, while saying namaste to his fans, Salman Khan used to stand on the balcony that has been replaced with pointy bulletproof glass. The actor lives in a one-bedroom flat on the ground floor of the Galaxy Apartments building, and his parents live on the first floor, the report said.
The incident that took place on April 14 was supposed to have been masterminded by infamous gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who has been a bitter rival of the actor since the Black Buck shooting case of 1998 in which the actor was convicted. The Bishnoi community regards Blackbuck species as sacred, and the accused, Lawrence Bishnoi, is on record taking a ‘kill’ vow against the actor.
The shooting incident is certainly a severe action as compared to the threats issued by the Bishnoi gang to drag against Salman Khan. Further raising stakes, tentatively in October, a former minister of Maharashtra, Baba Siddique, a friend of the actor Salman Khan, was brutally murdered in Mumbai. This incident served to compound the known safety issues associated with the actor and the required stand for increased security.
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