Mumbai: After 32 years of his Bollywood journey, Salman khan would now be parading his talent in his first biopic as Ravindra Kaushik. It is reported that Bhaijaan is in talks with director Rajkumar Gupta for an action thriller based on a true story from history. 

A spokesperson from the team stated,” It’s a film based on the life of Indian spy, Ravindra Kaushik. He is famously known as Black Tiger and is regarded as India’s best spy ever. Rajkumar Gupta has been researching his life for the last 5 years and he has finally managed to lock a screenplay that does justice to the achievements and legacy of Ravindra Kaushik. He narrated this to Salman Khan, who has already agreed in principle to do the film. It’s among the most heroic and shocking stories from Indian Intelligence history.”

The project is Salman’s first-ever biopic in a journey of 32 years. Rajkumar Gupta finds Salman to fit in the shoes of the legendary Black Tiger. 

Talks surface that the drama thriller would not be named Black Tiger, instead, the team is on the look for a  rhadamanthine title. 

Rajkumar Gupta is known for films like Aamir, No One Killed Jessica, Ghanchakkar and Raid. The upcoming film is said to be his pet project and there are plans to mount it on a big scale. Salman on the other hand will soon start shooting for Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif and then move on to Sajid Nadiadwala’s film, Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali by end of this year. 

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