New Delhi: On Tuesday, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-affiliated farmers’ union, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh (BKS), said the Union government should take a considerate view of the demands claimed by a section of protesting farmers who are seeking the abolishing of the farm laws. The BKS, which has detached itself from the protest, has, however, claimed a new law to ensure beneficial prices for farm produce.

In Muzaffarnagar, RSS speaking against the three-farm laws said it will hold a countrywide movement on Wednesday to seek laws for beneficial prices to farmers based on their cost of production.

“Minimum Support Price (MSP) is an illusion. Farmers are not getting MSP in all parts of the country. A new stringent law should be brought which ensures that farmers’ get remunerative prices for their produce,” BKS general secretary Badrinarayan Choudhary said.

He added, on August 11, a letter has also been sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to highlight the “anger and discontent” among farmers across the country for not getting a beneficial price for their produce.