New Delhi: TV Anchor Rohit Ranjan has landed himself in a series of legal actions against him for playing a doctored video of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on the sensitive issue of the Udaipur killing. Ranjan’s news program has been withdrawn but a number of FIRs have been filed against him in different states. On Thursday, the news anchor sought an urgent hearing from the Apex Court on his plea seeking protection from coercive action for the committed offense.

Advocate Siddharth Luthra arguing for the anchor stated that the petition was requested to be heard on Thursday itself but it is not showing up in today’s list. He has urged that the petition should be assigned for Friday to some other bench. Mr. Luthra further stated that the man was arrested on Wednesday by UP Police and later released on bail as the offence was bailable. He admitted that Rohit made an error in one of the shows and has already apologised for that.

Meanwhile, Chhattisgarh Police also reached the anchor’s home on Wednesday to arrest him but the UP Police had an argument over their sudden visit to his home for arrest. Mr. Luthra has also requested to list his client’s petition urgently since otherwise, he will be in repeated custody due to the number of FIRs against the anchor.