The House Secretariat’s records reveal that the overall productivity of the Rajya Sabha for this period has reduced to 21.6 per cent, owing to the disruptions caused in the recent monsoon sessions of the Parliament. The Rajya Sabha’s monsoon session productivity fell from 32.2 percent in the first week to 13.7 per cent in the second. 

A statement from Rajya Sabha Secretariat said today; “Chairman Shri M Venkaiah Naidu, during the all-party meeting ahead of the Session and the Business Advisory Committee meeting during the first week, has urged the Government and the leaders of various parties to discuss the legislative and other business to be taken up in the House”.

For the first time, the Secretariat is issuing bulletins daily and recording the business of the House. In the initial two weeks, 130 Zero Hour submissions and 87 Special Mentions have failed to be taken up.  During the nine sittings of the Rajya Sabha in these first two weeks, there could have been only 1.38 hours of Question Hour while 1.24 hours were spent on the legislative business passing the four bills.

The Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021; The Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill, 2021; The Factoring Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2021, and The Coconut Development Board (Amendment) Bill, 2021 were the bills passed by the Rajya Sabha in this session.

The Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Bill, 2021, and The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2021, were among those introduced.