India has just initiated flight trials of the domestic deadly guided Men Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM) model in Pokkran, Rajasthan. Along with exploring the possibility of using multiple manoeuvring technologies, the latest trials would help address and enhance the current version’s kill range, sell-ability and other related challenges. Recognized MoD as “outstanding,” the trials revealed how the system could perform.

A ground-based, air-launched, and helicopter-launched aerocentric system has completed the trajectory testing process to demonstrate the technical superiority of DRDO’s MPATGM technology. Corresponding to MPATGM by launcher, sensor, and fire control unit, the approach has been evaluated for its possible effectiveness in combat.

The Ministry of Defense officials stated that several firing trials of missiles successfully tried in Rajasthan to ensure their working capacity as specified by the Indian Army operations requirements explained in this regard. The successful completion of the Penetration Trials by the TWS Annex System represents its capability to eliminate even the most modern armor-protected Main Battle Tanks.

The day, night, and top attack modes that are furnished through MPATGM’s system and its dual-mode seekers’ functionality serve to further improve its utility in tank warfare. After successful demonstration and technology saturation, the optimal procedure is to proceed with Final User Evaluation Trials before initial operational clearance.

DRDO and the Army, who played crucial roles in developing the system, were lauded by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh for their efforts in creating these indigenous equipment. The minister strongly stated the importance of this achievement in expanding India’s defence technology self-sufficiency. DRDO Chairman Samir V Kamat also thumped the team, which also participated in the trials, to acknowledge their importance on the fabric of a strong nation in the evolution of indigenous defence capability areas.

The proven case of MPATGM test-firing is a stride toward more safeguarding of the Indian defence. Developing the national defence system independently, per the retention of indigenous traditions and consequent validation, updates the country’s level of security and highlights its military-technical self-reliance.

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