During a public campaign in Rajasthan, Rahul Gandhi the Congress party’s leader, unveiled a considerable election promise. He assumed to bring in ₹1 lakh from the deprived in all pauper home households if the party secured the win. This is a part of the party’s plan to help poorer people, and it implies that such people shall be given a monthly assistance equal to ₹8,500.

Gandhi drew attention to the drastic improvement this idea would bring about with regards to poverty relief, suggesting an annual transfer of one quintillion. He stressed the party’s principal initiatives in the immediate concern for the general populace, particularly the economic independence of women.

In his speech, Gandhi went to task with the BJP, noting each of the issues, which, he claimed, the party was ignoring, including the persistent complaints by the farmers about the need for minimal support prices, high unemployment among the youth, and the rising price level that could well drive women out of their homes. He portrayed the upcoming elections as a battle for the marginalized segments of society, including backward classes, Dalits, tribals, and the economically disadvantaged within the general category.

Developing an opposite, Gandhi attacked in the same manner range of policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi blaming him for tending to industry groups rather than ordinary people. He highlighted the point of borrowing waivers to the capitalists of the Modi government and the financial misery poor people experienced. Moreover, Gandhi went on the offensive against the BJP regarding the electoral bonds, accusing them of taking on funds from rich industrialists through this instrument, as opposed to the freezing of Congress party bank accounts.

With passionate rhetoric, Rahul Gandhi portrayed the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections as a face-off between the interests of the downtrodden masses and the comfort of the elite who, as represented by the billionaire crew, were using their irrational judgments to impose their hegemony over the country. He underscored the importance of the voters reflecting upon the socioeconomic consequences of their choices while passionately advocating for the Congress party’s forward-looking and just development vision.

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