Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra in Assam’s Majuli, expressed concern over what he perceives as the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) alleged agenda to confine tribal communities to forests, thereby depriving them of educational and economic opportunities. Emphasizing the linguistic distinction, Gandhi underscored that while the Congress labels these communities as ‘Adivasis’ or ‘first-dwellers,’ the BJP categorizes them simply as ‘Vanvasis’ or ‘forest dwellers.’

In Majuli, Gandhi elucidated on the perceived distinction between the terms, stating, “We call you Adivasi; they call you Vanvasi. Do you know the difference between the two? Adivasi means the first citizens, those who have come to the earth first. Vanvasi means those who stay in the forest.” According to Gandhi, this linguistic discrepancy reflects a broader ideological divide between the two political parties regarding the role and rights of tribal communities.

Gandhi went on to assert that the BJP allegedly envisions a future where tribals are confined to the jungles, deliberately limiting their access to education, employment, and other avenues of progress. He accused the BJP of hindering the educational aspirations of tribal children, discouraging them from attending colleges and universities, and impeding their ability to learn English and engage in business activities.

To address these concerns, Gandhi highlighted the Congress’s commitment to restoring what he perceived as injustices perpetrated against tribal communities. He asserted that Congress has championed the cause of tribals by introducing laws and tribal bills aimed at returning land, forests, and water resources to their rightful owners. The overarching objective, as articulated by Gandhi, is to empower tribal communities by reinstating their control over essential resources and fostering an environment conducive to educational and economic growth.

In summary, Rahul Gandhi’s address in Majuli encapsulated his party’s narrative, positioning the Congress as advocates for the rights and upliftment of tribal communities, while casting the BJP as proponents of policies that, in his view, may marginalize and restrict these communities to a life in the forests without broader access to societal benefits.

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