Dallas: On Monday, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, spoke to the Indian community in Dallas, Texas, stating that the BJP and PM Modi’s fear factor had lessened after the Lok Sabha polls. In his speech, Gandhi quoted his words, made during the parliamentary session, when he spoke about ‘Abhayamudra,’ a sign of fearlessness that is universal in Indian religions, pointing out that the BJP does not understand or accept this at all.

He said, “The fear factor of BJP is gone now, we saw it immediately after the election results, No person in India can feel scared of BJP or the Prime Minister now, this is not only Rahul Gandhi’s victory or even Congress triumph but it is the triumph of the people of India who have stood for democracy again. ”

Gandhi also repudiated the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is BJP’s political mother organization, for its vision of India is an idea. He argued against this view by saying that he said the Congress party deems India as the woven fabric of various ideas and cultures. As long as we believe that everyone has the right to participate, to dream, and to have his/her space regardless of caste, language, religion, tradition or history, this fight is ours – the elections made millions realize that the Prime Minister of India is threatening the Constitution of India.

He also highlighted that everything he has said stems from the constitution because he regards it as the foundation of modern India. Rahul Gandhi noted that when he talked of the Constitution during the campaign, the people began to understand him.

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