Puducherry: After Assam and West Bengal, PM Modi will now visit Puducherry and Tamil Nadu to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various projects. The PM’s tweet handle read,” Leaving for Puducherry and Tamil Nadu to inaugurate development works that will further ‘Ease of Living; and economic growth.”

As per sources, the Pm will reach Puducherry at around 11:30. At around 4 pm he will dedicate the nation and lay the foundation of multiple infrastructure projects worth over RS 12,400 crore in Coimbatore.

He will lay the foundation of Minor Port at Puducherry under Sagarmala Scheme, followed by inauguration of the Blood Centre at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, an institute which will function as research lab and training centre for short term and continuous blood bank personnel training in all aspects of transfusion. 

At around 4 pm, Neyveli Net Thermal Power Project will be dedicated to the nation. The schools in the city are declared a holiday to avoid traffic during the PM’s visit.

As per sources, It is a lignite-based power plant designed for power generation capacity of 1000 MW and has two units of 500 MW capacity each. Built at a cost of about Rs 8000 crore, the pit head power plant will utilise lignite as fuel from the existing mines of Neyveli, which have sufficient lignite reserves for meeting the lifetime requirement of the project.

The Plant has been designed for 100 percent Ash utilization. The power generated would benefit Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Puducherry, with Tamil Nadu having a major share of about 65 per cent.

 The assembly election in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are likely to take place in April -May. All the polling parties are putting efforts across various states of the country ahead of the poll.