New Delhi: On the morning of August 15, 2023, thousands of people flocked to the Red Fort in New Delhi to celebrate the 77th Independence Day of India. The heat was sweltering, but the enthusiasm of the crowd was palpable. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort, touching upon the various key affairs of the country.

He spoke about the rapid population growth in India, and the need to control it. He said that India is a young country, and that its youth is its greatest asset. He called on the youth to be the agents of change, and to work towards building a better India.

He also spoke about the violence in Manipur, and the need to bring peace to the region. He said that India stands with Manipur, and that the government will do everything it can to ensure the safety and security of the people of the state.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the growing GDP of India, and the need to continue to grow the economy. He said that India is on the path to becoming a developed country, and that it will achieve its goal in the coming years.

He also spoke about the importance of ‘nari shakti’, or women power. He said that women are playing an increasingly important role in all spheres of life in India, and that they are the key to the country’s progress.

The Prime Minister’s speech was well-received by the crowd, and it left them feeling inspired and motivated. They were proud of the progress that India has made in the past 77 years, and they were confident that the country will continue to grow and prosper in the years to come.

Here are some additional points that PM Modi touched upon in his speech, like; the need to improve the quality of education in India, the need to create more jobs for the youth, the need to protect the environment, and the need to promote peace and harmony in the count

PM Modi concluded his speech by paying tribute to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for India’s independence. He said that it is our duty to build a strong and prosperous India in their memory.

The Independence Day celebrations were a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made for India’s freedom, and the challenges that the country still faces. However, it was also a celebration of India’s progress, and a reaffirmation of the country’s commitment to a better future.