New Delhi: Mounting attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday alleged that PM Modi has surrendered Indian territory to Chinese aggression, a day after PM Modi told that Chinese soldiers did not intruded Indian border.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi tweeted, ‘PM has surrendered Indian territory to Chinese aggression’.   He asked in his tweet, ‘If the land was Chinese: Why were our soldiers killed? Where were they killed?’

Rahul Gandhi’s remarks came a day after prime Minister Modi categorically said in the all-party meeting on the Chinese intrusion in the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh and the killing of Indian soldiers that no Indian post or territory is occupied by anyone. PM Modi reassured the leaders about the capability of the armed forces to defend the borders.

Rahul Gandhi has been attacking the PM Modi-led central government since the incident took place earlier this week.  On Friday, Rahul Gandhi remarked that the Chinese attack on Galwan valley was pre-planned. He said, adding that the government of India (GoI) was fast asleep and denied the problem, whose price was paid by our martyred Jawans. 

Earlier on Wednesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi wondered in his tweet, “How dare China kill our UNARMED soldiers?”

He asked, “Why were our soldiers sent UNARMED to martyrdom?”

Union Minister for External Affairs S Jaishankar stepped into the virtual discussion to explain the same to him.

Union external affairs minister tweeted, “Let us get the facts straight,” began Jaishankar’s response to the tweet. He said that all troops who are on border duty “always carry arms, especially when leaving post”.

“Those at Galwan on 15 June did so. Long-standing practice (as per 1996 and 2005 agreements) not to use firearms during faceoffs,” he added.