Dota: Speaking at an election rally in Doda district on Saturday, PM Modi said his government was ‘trying to choke terrorism to death’ in Jammu and Kashmir and insisted that the state will not be allowed to become a ‘dynasty republic.’ This rally is the first public address by the Prime Minister, who has been rather inactive in the political theatres, particularly in view of the assembly elections scheduled in 5 phases beginning September 18.

Modi criticized dynastic politics in Jammu and Kashmir, stating that dynastic politics made the region less secure and called the region skeletal. He said: “After getting freedom, Jammu and Kashmir fell in the trap of foreign powers and the dynastic politics turned this beautiful area empty from inside; the political dynasties in power showcased their kids and didn’t let new faces emerge. ”

PM Modi has said that his government has had a policy of nurturing young leaders since they formed the government at the Centre in 2014. He also showed his confidence in the region’s future through the following words; “We and you together will make Jammu and Kashmir a safe and a prosperous region in the country. ”

The Prime Minister’s words are in harmony with an ideological discourse of an attempt to draw a new identity of Jammu and Kashmir as an area free from the previous political exploitations, now an emerging domain of peace and prosperity. He stressed the call on the citizens and the government to possess unity in the fight towards the progress that is needed given the rampant terrorism and political insecurity.

It can, therefore, be concluded that such comments by Modi, especially as the assembly elections loom, are intended to rally his support, not to mention the crucial issues affecting the assembly. His concentration on security and economic development has been well received by a population thirsty for peace after the years of unrest.

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