On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave words to his vision about the nation’s youth as the force to bring about development in India. Speaking at Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 held at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi, Modi said the youth will be instrumental in defining India in the next 25 years. The event brought together 3000 Indian youths aged between 15 – 29 years, celebrating National Youth Day, the 163rd birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

In continuation of Swami Vivekananda’s belief in youths, Modi said that Swami Ji has a powerful vision of the Indian youths and their capacity to face any contingency. “This I also told Gurudev Swami Vivekananda: ‘I believe in you and in that dream, you have of young India.’ Referring to the just-concluded G-20 Summit held at Bharat Mandapam in September 2023, when leaders of the world came together to chart the course of the globe, he stressed the role of the young generation of India in scripting the destiny of the country during the next twenty-five years.”

Continuing his speech, Modi also told an inspiring story from one of the meetings with young athletes that took place at his home in September of 2024. In one interaction, an athlete described him as param mitra, which translates to the best friend in simple terms, pointing to how much the younger generation admires him.

Riding on the sheer confidence of the country’s youth, Modi said, “I am convinced that with the power of India’s youth, the dream of a developed India is not out of reach. This may be a herculean challenge to many, but I do not share this view. When the concept of Viksit Bharat is steers our policies and measures no power on this earth can hinder us from attaining the status of a developing nation. It states that a developed and rich India will be made powerful not only financially and militarily.”

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