New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will host a virtual G20 leaders’ summit on Wednesday evening to deliberate on the implementation of the Delhi Declaration prior to concluding India’s presidency this month, Sherpa Amitabh Kant said on Tuesday. The virtual meeting is expected to see similar attendance of global leaders as seen in the in-person meet at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on September 9-10.

China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin had skipped the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi on September 9 and 10. However, the Russian Tass news agency, quoting a Kremlin statement, has confirmed that Putin will take part in the extraordinary virtual G20 summit on Wednesday, adding that the Russian President had to miss the Delhi summit in September and the Bali summit in November, 2022, as he had to focus on the “special military operation” in Ukraine.

The meeting aims to provide an impetus to implement the Delhi Declaration unanimously agreed upon by all members at the 18th G20 leaders’ summit held in New Delhi in September. The declaration “demonstrated the commitment of the G20 Leaders to address global challenges in a very ambitious, inclusive, decisive and action-oriented manner,” Kant said.

India has successfully hosted the G20 Summit in September and the world appreciated it. UK’s Minister of State for South Asia, Tariq Ahmad, offered congratulations to India for its G20 achievements during his meeting with Jaishankar. Jaishankar, in response, credited the success to the collaborative efforts of all G20 members, highlighting the educational aspect of the entire process.

During a bilateral meeting with Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani at the same venue, the G20 was also a prominent topic of discussion, with Al Zayani praising India’s role and expressing appreciation.

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