On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi particularly focused on a particular direction of India, focusing on skills and talents, stating that India will be known for decades as the country of the youngest and the most talented workers. Addressing the 18th PBD in Odisha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also stressed that India has the potential to meet global talent demand, stating that the country is primacy in catering to the world’s demand for skilled human resources.

Speaking to a group of diaspora members of India, the Prime Minister termed the group as vital to the development of India and its outreach. “I have always regarded these Diaspora as brand ambassadors,” Modi said while addressing the significance of the Indian Diaspora in the developmental process & Intercultural exchange.

Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister launched four major exhibitions that exhibited the culture and progress of India. Subsequently, he visited different exhibition areas and promotional stands set by both Union and state government ministries and departments, where officials gave him an overview of India’s ongoing processes and future plans for expansion.

The 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas convention is set for January 8 to January 10 and is co-hosted by the Ministry of External Affairs and the government of Odisha. The theme for this year, ‘Diaspora’s Contribution to a Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India), establishes the unique role that the Indian diaspora has in contributing to a ‘developed India’.

During the occasion, PM Modi also inaugurated the first run of the Pravasi Bharatiya Express, a dedicated tourist train for Indians living abroad. The train that starts from Nizamuddin railway station in Delhi also envisages crossing this barrier, helping enhance cultural relations and bonding with over 2.3 million Indians in foreign countries. Hence, this is a positive signal that the effort towards forging a stronger relationship between India and its overseas citizens is being kicked off.

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