Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India posted the video on his YouTube channel, where he engaged with top gamers to go over many issues about the gaming industry in about 32 minutes. The involvement of the members of the community, such as Tirth Mehta, Payal Dhare, Animesh Agarwal, Anshu Bisht, Naman Mathur, Mithilesh Patankar and Ganesh Gangadhar, is made possible in an open discussion on the community.

Animesh Agarwal focuses on the esports and gaming involvement in the government shows and indicates that the sport is based on skills and doesn’t claim gambling. Along with that, the Prime Minister quotes in this regard, with an accent on uncontrolled growth for the industry.

The concern of the gamers and the reality of being forced to take sides in gaming and gambling have been the topics that PM Modi raised when asking for their opinion and insights. Tirth Mehta from Gujarat exposes the misconception that gaming is just a time pass. He states the way of a game that is considered more relaxed and close to simplicity, like chess, but that might require high mental skills.

Payal Dhare, the young gamer(female gamer), encourages other avid gamers to keep a good balance between gaming and other life matters. She adds that this has worked in her case; according to Ariela, Payal Dhare describes two opposite ends of the spectrum, first of which is esports competition, then content creation, and discusses how fun is involved in the case of both.

In the later part of the conversation, PM Modi takes a virtual headset and starts playing a game to his liking, which reveals his openness and love for this segment.

Meanwhile, the dialogue brings up the ever-increasing implication of gaming in India and the need for its profound grasp and acknowledgement across the forum, which is beyond mere fun. Going forward, these interactions become a vital element that determines or shapes the trend lines of this growing fillip.

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