New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with his Bhutanese counterpart King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk today. The talks focused mainly on ways to bolster bilateral engagement in a range of areas including economic cooperation.

The King began his two-day visit to India on Monday after he was received by Dr S Jaishankar on Delhi Airport amid some concerns in New Delhi over China’s attempts to expand its influence over Thimphu.

Earlier certain remarks made by Bhutan Prime Minister Lotay Tshering on the Doklam tri-junction were seen by many as the Himalayan nation cosying with China. However, Bhutan made it clear that there are no changes in its stance on the border dispute.

Dr S Jaishankar has tweeted about his arrival on his Twitter account.” Honoured to welcome His Majesty the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk, on his arrival in India. His visit will further strengthen the close and unique India-Bhutan partnership”, tweeted the External Affairs Minister.

Mr. Jaishankar had called on visitary dignitary and said the King’s vision for Bhutan’s future and for strengthening unique partnership with India is deeply appreciated.