New Delhi: PM Modi convened with the paramedical Staff of his Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi. He applauded the frontline workers for their efforts in combating the virus. 

The BJP head broke down while interacting with the doctors remembering those who succumbed to the deadly virus. “This virus has taken the lives of many people close to us…I pay a tribute to them,” he said. India has reported 2,91,331 COVID linked deaths so far, stated the Union Health Ministry. 

Mr Modi gave a new slogan during his video conference,”Jahan bimar, wahin upchar (treatment of the ailing at their doorstep), in the hope of bringing down the pressure that the second wave of virus has instilled on the country’s health system. He stressed on increased screening and detection in the rural areas of Purvanchal (eastern region of Uttar Pradesh).

“The effect of the pandemic has been so vast that despite all efforts, numerous lives were lost, ” the prime minister said in a choked voice. Reflecting the efforts to manage the situation, he said,  “You have contained the virus significantly but there should be no complacency as it is going to be a long fight.”

PM Modi and the staff discussed the functioning of various COVID hospitals in the holy city, including the Pandit Rajan Mishra Covid Hospital which was recently started through joint efforts of the DRDO and the Indian Army. Additionally, he delineated the strategies to be implemented in the future to curb the spread in Varanasi.