New Delhi: In a move within the parliament, the ruling NDA government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, faced its no-confidence motion in its nine-year tenure. This motion, put forward by the Opposition, sparked debates in the Lok Sabha. The discussions began on Tuesday. Continued until Thursday when Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded and ultimately led to its rejection.

Rahul Gandhi, a figure from the Congress party made a comeback to Parliament after an absence of nearly four months. He actively participated in the discussions on Wednesday. Since the Monsoon Session commenced on July 20th, the Parliament has been locked in stalemates over issues with particular emphasis on the situation in Manipur.

During the course of the debate, Gandhi highlighted his visit to Manipur. Emphasized his interactions with locals affected by violence. He passionately expressed that the essence of our nation lies in listening to its citizen’s voices. He firmly stated that these voices have been suppressed in Manipur.

The no-confidence motion and subsequent debates shed light on both the climate and contentious issues at hand. Although eventually defeated, these debates provided leaders from both sides with a platform to express their concerns, hopes and visions for our nation.

The conversations also emphasized the importance of discussions and negotiations, in society highlighting the Parliaments’ role and value as a platform, for productive dialogue.