The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman replied to the general discussions on the Union Budget. The discussion held at Lok Sabha witnessed all members of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Before the session began, 3 MP’s from BJP gave a breach of privilege notice against Rahul Gandhi to observe silence in respect to the farmers who lost their lives during the agitations.

The Finance Minister on COVID-19 and development of the nation.

 The FM replied to the discussion saying ” the coronavirus pandemic did not deter the government in taking decisions on reforms to boost the economy”. She emphasized the necessary reforms taken by the government to sustain the long-term growth of the country.

India is all set to be ‘Atmanirbhar”

Ms. Sitharaman accentuated the progress of India, which will rank the country number 1 in the world.  “This Budget draws from the experience of the PM when he was CM – on the ground in Gujarat, seen so many revivals happening at a time when the license quota raj was going away post-1991 & then based on that experience, commitment to reform was blended into this Budget,” she said. According to her, the country has reached the pinnacle without being a hybrid.

A holistic approach to health

The Finance Minister also addressed the progress in health care sectors, focusing more on providing curative health care to the citizens.

Key allocations of Budget 2021-22

Defense Sector – A comparison between 2013-14 and the current budget; to state the progress of the sector.

 MGNREGA 2021-22- A sum of Rs 73,000 crore is designated to the rural job scheme. The government has pre-approved additional funding for the progress of the nation.

Minority affairs and SC ST- No trimming of the minority affairs and SC&ST funds this year. An 8.6% increase in minority affairs and an overall increase in the allocation of SC&ST was declared.

Adhir Ranjan Chowdary’s allegations over PM’s government

He questioned the normalcy regressing post the abrogation of Article 370 that was promised. He also spoke about the relocation of Brahmins, Gilgit Baltistan that Amit Shah had promised. He said, ” at least bring back those who were internally displaced.

Nirmala Sitharaman on “Cronies” by Mr. Gandhi 

 Ms. Sitharaman Singled out Congress MP Rahul Gandhi- who sent various comments on farmers’ protests and India-China border stand-off. She defended the center over schemes like PM Street Vendors, Atmanirbhar Nidhi scheme- which tender collateral-free loans to them.