In a positive development for bilateral relations, Pakistan released 200 Indian fishermen on Thursday from its custody. This move is part of the ongoing humanitarian gesture between the two countries to repatriate fishermen who inadvertently cross the maritime boundary. The Indian fishermen were apprehended by Pakistani authorities while fishing in the Arabian Sea.
After completing their prison terms, these fishermen were handed over to Indian authorities at the Wagah-Attari border crossing.

Efforts to release detained fishermen and their boats have been ongoing between India and Pakistan to promote goodwill and strengthen ties. Both countries have acknowledged the significance of promptly repatriating detained fishermen and have been working towards facilitating their return. Such humanitarian gestures contribute to the overall aim of fostering peace and enhancing cooperation between India and Pakistan.

It allows the released fishermen to reunite with their families and resume their lives after a prolonged period of separation. While the release of 200 Indian fishermen is a positive step towards fostering goodwill between the two nations, there are still more fishermen on both sides awaiting repatriation. Continued efforts are needed to address the issue comprehensively and ensure the timely release of all detained fishermen to maintain a positive trajectory in the bilateral relationship.