Madhya Pradesh: In the village of Kodariya, a Kisan Vikas Kelotra potato chips facility was launched as part of the ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’. Bhoomi Pujan was also held for the unit in Pedmi village at the home of farmer Rajveer Singh. In these units, potato chips will be made.

During the program, tourism minister’s representative Ravi Dubey was the chief guest in development block Indore and Mhow, President of the program Dr. Ashok Sharma, Dean Agriculture College Indore, Additional Director Horticulture Bhopal, Agronomist Dr. HS Thakur, Dr. Swati Barche, Pedmi  And Kodariya Sarpanch, Joint Director of Horticulture Department DR Jatav, Senior Scientist Dr DK Mishra, District Resource Person Yashi Srivastava, local public representatives, progressive farmers, all officers of Horticulture Department were present.

According to TC Vaskel, the district’s Deputy Director Horticulture, a loan of almost Rs 212 lakh has been sanctioned to six applicants under the initiative. The workshop was held concurrently with the distribution of the book. Farmers and beneficiaries were told about the Pradhan Mantri Micro Food Upgradation Scheme’s plan to set up a selected crop potato processing industry in one district-one product during the session. The most up-to-date machine, equipment, and complex cropping techniques for the production of processable potato crops were discussed.

Farmers were advised that manufacturing potato-based processing items such as potato chips, french fries, powder, and starch may help them make more money. They’ve also gone over the organic ways for rabi season horticulture crop plant protection and maintenance, as well as organic medicinal crop farming.