Bollywood: Tanuj Virwani, the Ek Duje Ke Liye actress Rati’s son in a recent interview has opened up about Nepotism in the Bollywood industry. Despite being a popular actress’s son, the actor has gone through a good share of struggles before he was accepted by an actor by any director or producer. Virwani, in his interview, has talked about his journey of setting up an acting career, and how being called a ‘star kid’ feels like. 

Virwani, in his interview, has referred to being star-kid as a ‘double-edged sword’, explaining which he stated – “It is both a boon and a bane. As a star kid, you get access to a lot of people in the film fraternity – right from actors, directors to casting directors. However, they will only meet you out of respect for your parents; after that, it is your own journey and you have to make your own path. Nobody will back you every time just because you are a Khan or a Kapoor or someone else”.

The young actor feels that Nepotism exists in every nook and cranny of the world, including the B-town. “If you have got what it takes to be an actor, people will put money on you. Star kids like Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, aren’t who they are because of their family lineage but because of their sincerity, hard work, and most importantly, talent”, Virwani asserted while speaking about nepotism, adding – “The truth is out there for everyone to see. The nepotism debate is happening just for the heck of it”.