Bengaluru: A day after protests resurfaced in Mangaluru University College, where students alleged the Muslim girls still wore Hijab to the classes, CM Bommai on Saturday has said that there is no need of raising the issue.

Interacting with the media he said,” There is no need of raising an issue. Court has already given its judgement. Everyone is following it, 99.99 per cent have followed… whatever decision they take, it has to be followed”.

The protests against the hijab re-surfaced in the state after students staged protests on campus claiming that as many as 44 Muslim girls, on Thursday wore a Hijab to the college and some even attended classes wearing it.

The Indian judiciary on may 16th had ban the headscarf or a hijab inside the campus.

The controversy first sparked in January-February this year after the colleges resumed which were shut down due to the second wave of the pandemic. Protests escalated after Muslim students of the Pre-university college in Udipi sought the right to wear hijab in the classrooms.

Meanwhile, commenting on the resurfacing of the issue, state Education Minister BC Nagesh on Saturday categorically stated that only uniforms were allowed in schools and colleges across the state.