New Delhi: After convening on discussions for booster doses, the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) on Monday, informed that so far no final recommendations on the administration of booster jabs has been issued. Further it also stated reconsideration of vaccine administration in children.

Since the Omicron variant has been defected across several countries, booster doses have been much in talk. Govt’s globally have mandated booster dose, while  India is yet to reconsider booster shots in already jabbed individuals.

The Union Health Minister at the Lok Sabha recently informed that the NTGAI and the National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19 were deliberating and considering the scientific evidences in the course of booster dose administration. The health minister also informed that nearly 86% of eligible population in India was administered the first jab of the vaccine.

Subsequently, on Monday the Indian Medical Association (IMA) also urged the government to announce “additional” doses of Covid vaccine for healthcare, frontline workers and immunocompromised individuals.

With 21 Omicron variant cases reported across India, states have enhanced thermal screening and contact tracing on international arrivals. Urgent meetings were held by state heads to discuss on strategies to be implemented to curb the spread. Masks are mandated and COVID protocols have been tightened at public places.

As per the statistics issued by the MOHFW, states like West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, UP have reported maximum coverage of their eligible population.